Question about honey?!
Question about honey?
I wanted to buy some organic, raw honey.
I went to the health food store, and couldn't find one with each of these on the label.
I saw some that said "Pure, Raw, Grade A" and another that said "Pure, Natural, Organic, Uncooked, No Preservatives" (but it didn't saw "raw").
Does "raw" = no preservatives and uncooked? If not, what does it mean?
How about just buying honeycomb? It doesn't get much more raw than that!
Honey is generally heated so it can be filtered. When this doesn't happen, they call it raw. I can only guess that raw and uncooked mean thte same thing.
Honey does not have preservatives in it. It is it's own preservative. It won't go bad unless it's diluted with water.
i think so.