What's the oldest food item in your cupboard? How old?!
What's the oldest food item in your cupboard? How old?
I have a package of beer bread mix that's more than seven years old. I don't know why I've kept it.
My mom has spices that are from the seventies...I have carb free biscuits from 2004.
Well thanks for sharing. Get a life.
I have a whale I caught a from the pacific ocean two years ago, still in my fridge
i think it is lays.1 year old.i have hide it and then forgotton to eat.
a jar of Chinese pickled plums that is over 20 years old
I have a really old disgusting can of Jockey and some moldy Fee Foo juice. I'm going to throw them away right now...but I will recycle their containers like I know I should.
Everything in my cabinets, refrigerator, & freezer are older than me!
But I Love it!!
Only joking {bet you thought I was serious?}
I always check the dates on everything, even at the grocery store.
i've got some pickled onions from about 4 christmas's ago
I've got a few canned items that I've had since the last time I moved...over 3 years ago.
A medium pack of pop corn just one month ago. ?
I have a box of Cheerios that is a year old and I suspect it has weevils by now. Maybe I will get around to throwing it out for the birds today!
,I have a small can of carrots. I have no idea why I keep them. No one in my family would eat them. They probably have no food value left and the can is OLD looking too. They are at least 12 years old. I have thought about putting them in a food drive box, but I think that that would be just plain mean. I don't like to throw food away, it is a wasteful act, yet at the same time no one will eat them and I can't give them away and still live with a peaceful conscience. So there they sit- year after year, a small can of sliced carrots all mushy and soft... Yuck!