How long do eggs last in the fridge?!
How long do eggs last in the fridge?
regular uncooked in the carton eggs...they always have an expiration date like a week from the buy date but my mom says eggs last for along long? how do i know when they are no longer edible?
According to these sites, eggs can last up to 5 weeks AFTER purchase (as long as they are refrigerated at a proper temperature).
The first site describes what happens to a deteriorating egg -- the characteristics of it when used.
I know there are weeks I go without using our eggs.
The one thing I know for sure (and it says this also in their information), if you want to boil eggs and peel them, then use OLDER eggs, or buy them a week before you need them because they peel much easier and new eggs will just look horrible when you TRY to peel them.
That last site is just some other interesting information that wasn't on the first two sites.
Hope it helps!!
the best way to find out if an egg is still good is to shake it. if you hear nothing it's still good, if it guggles it's gone bad. hope this helps.
Fill a large bowl with water and remember this
If she floats on her side eat her with pride
If she stands on one end in to the baking pan
A floater is a stinker and out the door you must fling her
If left in the original carton, without washing, and placed in the coldest part of the fridge, a carton of eggs should last 3-4 weeks.
2 weeks
As per my experience, i left one egg in my ref for two months when i had a vacation. When i arrived i saw it was still there and i tried it it was still of good quality. I did not off my ref during that vacation. But if you cook your egg, it won't last more than a day. I hope this will help you.