If you throw health out the window which would you have... Smoothie or BigMac?!
If you throw health out the window which would you have... Smoothie or BigMac?
Heck, if health is out the window then a bigmac with a smoothie !!
A smoothie. I eat Big Macs maybe once per year. They taste good but make me feel awful after.
Actually, if you get the right kind of smoothie, they are really not that unhealthy. So I guess I have to go with the Big Mac.
A smoothie, just because I prefer the fruit and sugar over the bread and faux meat.
a smoothie....i dont eat big macs but not because of health reasons....because i dont know what that meat is....
big Mc
i dont like Big Macs.... BUT... if you were to offer me (health issues aside) a giant chilli-cheese-hot dog or a smoothie.... I'd take the hot dog any day of the week! :)
a big mac isn't necessarily bad for you just the special sauce is, so just order it without the sauce, i'm a size 3 and i eat big macs all the time smoothies are really good too.
i would rather hav a smoothie cuz big macs r disgusting
Smoothie I don't eat BigMacs I eat double cheesburger or cheeseburger
Smoothie. I've never had a big mac but the thought and the smell makes me want to throw up.