Is this a healthy lunch?!
Is this a healthy lunch?
Is this a healthy lunch: 1c tomato soup, 2oz. roast beef w/ lettuce on 2 slices whole-wheat bread, 1 green apple, and 1c flavored water (target brand has no cal or sugar)...please help I'm trying to maintain my weight.
This is a healthy lunch. You have a variety of minerals, vitamins, and nutrients.
Tomato Soup: I like that you have such a small portion size. This is great because dieting is about eating the right portion sizes. Just make sure that your Tomato Soup does not have too much Sodium. Alot of canned soups contain large amounts of salt. This isn't always bad, but if you are eating it daily, I suggest checking it out.
Roast Beef: This is where your protein comes in. Your body needs ANIMAL protein in order to function well. The reason I emphasize that you need animal protein is because they are the only proteins that contain all 9 essential amino acids. Plant proteins must be combined in order to recieve all of the amino acids.
Lettuce: Good choice of vegetable. Is it ice-burg lettuce or romaine? Romaine is much healthier. Darker green vegetables contain more fiber, and all-in-all more nutrients.
Bread: You made a great choice with whole-wheat bread! People get the wrong idea about carbs...when dieting, they believe that you need to eliminate carbs, but they are necessary for the body. Just choose the right kind of carbs (as you have done) and you are on your way to being healthy!!!
Apple: You have included a good choice of a fruit. People might tell you not to eat alot of fruit becuase of the sugar level, but it's ok as long as you are balanced with other nutrients. The size of the apple is a good thing to look at too. If it is a large apple, then it can be counted as two fruit servings.
Water: This was a great choice. You have the benefits of water, but with a little flavor. A lot of people drink diet sodas, and that's ok too, but flavored water is best.
You made good decisions. The other thing, is that you need to look at the rest of your day's meals in order to know if your lunch creates a balanced diet. Your lunch might be healthy....but what if you have already eaten two pieces of bread that day? Dieting takes work, and you have to look at the whole day. You might want to include a dairy product in your day somewhere... (unless you made your tomato soup with milk)
I am not, by any means, a it's important to ask someone like a doctor or something if you are really worried about it....but I think you made some really good choices. Keep your portion sizes small, eat a variety of foods, include a lot of fruits and vegetables, drink a lot of water, and you are on your way to a weightloss success!!!!!
My own personal expierience--I'm trying to lose weight too!
Sounds pretty healthy to me.
Sounds good too.
Yes. Sounds perfectly balanced.
Sounds good for weight loss but be sure to make your tomato soup with water not milk.
Yes, you made good choices.
and try to drink a cup of green tea 1 hour before dinner so you won't over eat from hunger.
It sounds good, but are you sure you can eat that much? Maybe one day you could have all that apart from the tomato soup, or all that without the roast beef with lettuce. Oh and by the way, please remember that your body needs sugar, a mixed balanced diet is what's needed to maintain weight :)
Is a pig's butt pork?
Sounds healthy. Also try putting lettuce in your sandwich. You'll be full for longer.
Also, flavoured water has aspartum in it (the artificial sweetner) which helps your body to store fat. Try switching to regular water. When you get used to it, you'll see its better than any flavour.
yes but replace roast beef with chicken slices, leaner
It sounds just great - maybe one slice of bread would better though.
No. Eliminate the roast beef.
Yeah of course, but this should be easy to figure out. You're eating whole grains and lean meat with fruit and a vegetable soup. That's very well balanced and low in calories and fat. You should start reading the labels on the stuff you buy and researching different foods so that way you can make good and ehalthy food choices all the time.
Yes. I went on a diet once- I filled a plate in the a.m. with no fat at all and only 500 calories! It usually consisted of low cal/fat bread for the sandwhich with completely fat free meat and cheease and lettuce made with no fat mayo... I would cut the sandwhich in half(half now half later)... then I would slice up a tomato, cut a grapefruit in half(but the whole grapefruit is allowed to split between breakfast and lunch) and I would add on graham cracker broke into its fourths, and then I would add a bowl of fatree/low cal cottage cheese....(I would add it up to the difference in calories on my plate to add up to 500 calories)... it actually ended up being alot of food!
I would then eat half or a third of everything on the plate(at breakfast) and a third of the cottage cheese and a half of a grapefruit! Then I would put suran wrap around the plate, put it back in the fridge and what was left I would eat for lunch(you'd be surprised how much food you don't eat when you know whats left is ALL you've got for lunch)... if I just HAD to eat in between, I would slice up another tomato and eat a couple slices (like two or three) with lettuce and maybe a small carrot...but I really tried to NOT doing this(I think maybe I did this the first day or two and then tapered off)...I would ride the exersize bike inbetween when I felt hungry.. and then for dinner I would eat like cabbage soup...
I hope this helps. I lost alot of weight-quickly, I just read all the ingredients at the grocery store... no fat/ low, low calories... but I do say, I didn't look good, when I lost the weight (which was very very fast) I looked really pale... some dark circles and something that looked like cellulite or see through skin kind of appeared (like my skin was really thin or something)... it was back about ten or fifteen years ago, when Oprah did her no more than twenty grams of fat a day shows...good luck.
Sounds ok but did you check the sodium levels in the soup?