Is killing plants for food any less cruel than killing animals?!
Is killing plants for food any less cruel than killing animals?
Some research has found that some plants do indeed feel pain. So is it any different from killing animals?
2 days ago
There have been some interesting answers so far. Granted, the site is a joke, but it still presents an interesting philosophical question. How do we really feel about killing other organic creatures to feed our organic bodies?
Answers: 2 days ago
There have been some interesting answers so far. Granted, the site is a joke, but it still presents an interesting philosophical question. How do we really feel about killing other organic creatures to feed our organic bodies? Here's what I tell me children:
We have to eat. So, eat your food either veggie, fruit, or meat with respect for the life is has given. Don't be wasteful and appreciate what the earth has granted us. We shop locally and try to stay clear of all food created or destroyed from industry. It's not what we eat that is the issue but the lack of respect we show it, and how our society feels they are entitled to eat whatever they want with no remorse or appreciation! ok this is ridiculous...
some people have taken things WAY too far. If we are so afraid of eating both animals AND plants, then we would be DEAD. There's nothing else we can eat!!!!
btw i'm a vegetarian!!! I'm with you. I think we should demand that everyone be more humane and starve to death for the good of the environment. Seriously this has gone to have to cut the line somewhere! Animals also are a higher life form than plants so you have to sacrifice something or we would all starve!
=] your link doesn't appear to be reliable or have any scientific evidence. Do plants see and greet you like animals do? Do they get up from the root of there stems and walk around? No..but just for asking that question you shouldn't eat plants..just drink water..ya know what you might be hurting the h2o so..just starve. People should eat animals and plants. Isn't that how its always been. In fact, right now there is an animal eating another animal. Ooopp....there goes another. You just need to look at where you are in the food chain. I always wondered why my spinach screams when I eat my greens. Cruel, schmuel! People gotta eat. Tough luck for the animals and plants. You don't like it, take it up with the Creator. I personally don't want to hear that cruel to animals nonsense, capisce? That's hilarious. I love the logic: pain is felt through the brain. Plants have no brain. Therefore, they feel pain? Brilliant.
Even if broccoli could feel pain, I'd hack it to pieces. That's how much I hate broccoli. no , there isnt anything wrong with surviving in a world where death becomes before destruction , not the other way , around . what an insane question. No - having planted a Field of anything is the same as raising animals for slaughter. The bible advocates eating grains and fish. All is interpreted by humans and mucked up in the process. Clearly the purpose of plants is to be eaten. It's how they propogate. You know - spreading of seeds through crap, which is built in fertilizer. They are designed to attract insects to pollinate and attract animals to eat them. Why am I even explaining this to you? Your link is to a stupid joke site. This from the same site who's other major story is that Britney Spears has "cooties"? lol.
TO directly answer your lame question, yes, killing plants for food is FAR less cruel than killing animals. Some Jains believe that all life is sacred and do not eat root vegetables. ugh, not this question again...
People really need to go back to biology class and listen closely. If plants are not used for food, then eventually there will be no more food or much of anything but dust and rocks on the planet. Well, if we go by what nature intends for the likes of us (omnivores: not specifically herbovores or carnivores), we should eat fruits. Because plants (who feel pain when we pluck them) want us to eat the fruits so that they propagate their seeds when we throw away the core of the fruit. And mind you, even teh fruits should be fallen off itself.
As for what will we do..some say caring and talking to the plants to tell them they are doing their duty, or cutting only a part of teh plant helps in easing their pain.
Rest is what you believe.