Why are vegetarians (not all, but some) so dang touchy?!
Why are vegetarians (not all, but some) so dang touchy?
I don't understand why when people are asking you questions (again not talking about all vegetarians, only some - and really in this case mainly in response to redman_fv who answered my last question) about vegetarianism, what you would eat, if you do eat, etc why you get so bent out of shape. I know I wasn't attacking, I was just curious.
I was a full vegan myself for about a year and a half, a vegetarian for 2 and then and now just a person who MOST of the time refrains from eating meat.
I know that for me, I eventually began to eat some meat again - ie non farmed fish or clam or shrimp on OCCASION.
But what's with the attitude?
14 hours ago
Since I am being accused of being insensitive - I will add anyway for you all that are a-holes about a simple question - it's people like you and Peta that give vegetarian's a bad name.
Never once did I say you should eat meat or you are stupid. But about half of you come out of the gates swinging and don't even read the whole question.
I am vegetarian, I'm not "touchy" as far as I know.
However, I do get a little tired of the "not enough protein" and "vegetarians look sickly" nonsense. My wife is a dietitian with a Masters Degree in Nutrition; and medical doctors follow her advice on diet (she is also a lifetime vegetarian).
Also, if I "look sickly" or if I'm "not getting enough protein" how come my lab work is always normal when I go to the doctor? Why isn't my doctor telling me to get admitted to the hospital? I admit I get tired of people who don't know anything talking nonsense. It does get a little old hearing that stuff when you know that it's been proven false.