What is your strategy when convincing people to become vegan?!
What is your strategy when convincing people to become vegan?
How do you approach the meat eaters? How do you convince them to end their evil murderous ways? How do you deal with a carnivorous bully?
I was vegan for about five years - I've since changed my eating habits because my doctor and my family begged me. I don't think ONE thing can possibly work for all people. It was very unhealthy for me. I tried so hard to eat balanced meals, but I couldn't stop losing weight. At one point, at 5'8", I weighed 90 lbs.
I think that some people and some body types just can't BE vegan.
I also think that we should all let other people make these choices for themselves. Concentrate on what YOU are doing, what is best for YOU. Let other people decide what they want for themselves.