Vegan moms-do you stop your children from eating meat and dairy?!
Vegan moms-do you stop your children from eating meat and dairy?
I recently became a vegan for health reasons. I am planning on having children and am just curious about what vegan moms feed their children. What about when they go to a freinds house or birthday parties with cake and icecream? Would they get sick if they were not raised with that kind of food but ate it when they were old enough to go to freinds houses?
Actually, they might get sick. That tends to happen even with people who give it up for a while then try it again after a period of time. Every animal stops drinking milk after infancy. Humans are the only animals that continue to throughout their life and are definitely the only animals who drink the milk of another animal. Even though after age two, we lose 98% of the lactase enzyme in our digestive systems because, by nature, it's not needed anymore.
I'm vegan and when I have kids someday, I would prefer them not to have meat for health reasons. However, I also don't want to hold them from having fun. And I certainly wouldn't want them to come home crying because kids are teasing them or whatever, so I don't think I'd mind if they had cake and ice cream. Or went trick or treating. I don't necessarily think it's the healthiest and I don't really agree with it, but it's a tough decision with kids because you don't want them belittled and coming home with hurt feelings all the time, too.
There are vegan cakes and candy and ice cream, though, too.