Soy milk Vs. Skim Milk?!
Soy milk Vs. Skim Milk?
Hi Guys, I am trying to erase all meat except seafood out of my diet, and not sure about cutting dairy yet?? (I know a few vegetarians that are overweight??) and apparently if I dont have dairy I will not gain any unwanted weight while replacing all my meat with beans,rice etc.. although my skim milk at home has a lower cal count than my soy milk?? Can someone explain how switching all dairy products to a soy alternative will help with weight management? Thanks!!
No, I can't tell you how switching all dairy products to a soy alternative will help with weight management, BUT, I can tell you that in order to dramatically reduce my cholesterol and keep my heart and guts healthier/healthiest, I switched from milk of any percentage fat to Soy milk, the Silk brand that Emily refers to. I use it in my cereal, and I LOVE their chocolate milk. And, believe it or not, WalMart sells their own brand of chocolate soy milk that I LOVE as well, and so I trade between the Silk brand and the WalMart brand in the chocolate milk, but as for white mile, the Silk brand is the only one I use. In particular, I use the vanilla flavor as opposed to the plain white flavor since it just adds a little extra flavor that I like. Silk brand also has a "Very Vanilla" or somesuch flavor that tastes great but too much vanilla for my cereal. They also have an enriched brand which adds vitamins and minerals. It's a great brand, and it's a great switch from cow's milk, and you'll be a lot healthier and much more capable of keeping yourself in the best shape. I know, from experience. God Bless you.