Do vegetarian eat milk,cheese,eggs?!
Do vegetarian eat milk,cheese,eggs?
tell me why? thanx for ur answer
Vegetarians will usually eat dairy products, eggs and honey. Yes they come from animals but they don't require the animal to be killed in order for it to be produced.
Vegans will NOT eat any of these products as they also will not use leather, wool or silk or lanolin (comes from sheep wool). all these products are animal by-products and therefore not permissable for a vegan.
The reasons why some people eat one thing and not another are so numerous that the answer "personal choice" is the only correct one. We will all have different justifications for what we eat.
Vegetarians (and of course vegans) do not, repeat DO NOT eat fish or poultry or meat (red, white, blue, green, yellow or any other colour) or game. If they do they are "fair weather" vegetarians without a real understanding of what it means.
However, we need to remember that no matter what we eat something is going to die in order for us to eat it. Eating fruit and vegetables means that insects, birds and small mammals are deprived of food and may die. Or they may be killed by the farmers to ensure the crop grows. Cows and other dairy animals are dprived of a truly natural life. their young are removed from them early so that we can have dairy produce. the young may not be suitable for dairy production so will be killed for meat or pet food etc.
None of us can be sanctimonious about what we eat. We owe it to ourselves to eat healthily and to ensure that what we eat has been carefully grown and nurtured and also that the people who work on the farms etc are also well treated. Consider the banana trade where there is little care for health and safety of the workers and often overuse of chemicals plus poor pay and conditions. that is why Fairtrade is the best to buy here.