Members of PETA are going to burn in hell.?!
Members of PETA are going to burn in hell.?
Members of PETA are going to burn in hell..?
PETA are ******* SICK
I CANT BELIVE they acutually DARED to compare the poor jews in the holocaust to PIGS and ANIMALS
some of the pictures are kinda graphic so dont look if you cant
i am not jewish but i don NEED to be to be offended buy this..
tell me what u think
sick SICK people......
dont know what a ******* food chain is..
1 day ago
ok the idiot who tried to compare the slavery of MY PEOPLE to PIGS CHICKEN AND STUPID COWS
there is something SERIOUSLY wrong with u...
1 day ago
and PETA hates people having pets....they think we are the 'master' which is pathetic because my cat is TOO spoiled
I don't agree with the way you worded your thoughts but I do agree with the basis. Nobody has the right to say animals are above human or ever think they have the right to compare what happened to so many people in the holocaust or during the slavery. Yes I agree that the way animals are reared and killed for food is wrong but nothing NOTHING can ever be compared to the horrors that happened in history. If people want to compare the 2 things then they should compare the amount of suffering and pain humans went through and knowing they were going to die. Also the length of time it took for humans to die. Most people who do these campaigns are do gooders who know nothing of the real world and don't know the first thing in history.
Don't let them get to you. Just remember your the educated one.