How did you feel about the movie Fast Food Nation?!
How did you feel about the movie Fast Food Nation?
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22 hours ago
Channille - It was what I expected, but very good. Someone also said only the people who should see it are the ones who won't which I agree with. I heard the book was a million times better, but you know the movie industry. Frankly, I'm surprised the movie slipped through loopholes and was allowed to be made...
Does the jackace (I did that on purpose, yes) who wrote we could've spent the money feed starving children know 50% of grains go to animals for us to slaugher every year, which in turn could feed the entire starving world? Someone a little mad the movie freaked you out or what?
That's some truth that's REALLY inconvenient. I think there should be a larger movement around that movie, but sadly Americans favor taste over anything else.