Vegetarians: What do use to replace tuna, now that TUNO is gone?!
Vegetarians: What do use to replace tuna, now that TUNO is gone?
Now that Worthington has discontinued Tuno, what do you use as a replacement?
Additional Details6 hours ago
Edit: Don't bother answering with "eat meat." Don't be a jackass; just because you don't have morals, doesn't mean that other people don't either.
I've never heard of Tuno.
Yes there is another and it's amazing! You can hardly tell the difference if at all. It's from Taiwan and found frozen in Asian markets. Taiwan has the best fake animal products out there. Here's one company: Some companies of those ham logs have whey in the ingredients, so check if you care, but the tuna is A-OK. It's available in the USA, Canada, and many other countries too.