How long does it take to feel the health benefits of a vegetarian diet?!
How long does it take to feel the health benefits of a vegetarian diet?
Currently I eat everything. I love fruits, veggies, nuts, and meat. I am a animal lover but I really don't have any moral or ethical issues with being a carnivore. I guess I try not to think about the slaughter and such. Anyway, I would like to know if I feel physically and maybe emotionally better eating a diet without meat. Any insights on how long I will feel the benefits? Thanks in advance!
There's no hard and fast rule as to how quickly you will notice results, if at all. In fact, some people's health gets worse. But if you adopt a vegetarian diet for the right reasons, and do your homework on what to put into the giant hole you've created in your diet by refusing meat, and make a conscious choice to eat what you choose to eat instead of what looks and tastes nice just as long as it complies with the vegetarian rules, and eat the things you know are good for your health and wellbeing, if you do this then you should notice results in a remarkably, surprisingly, SHOCKINGLY, short period of time. I started noticing differences in energy levels and attention and breathing and strength within HOURS of beginning my new diet, and I've been vegan for almost 7 years now.