Veggie Girls - How fo you deal with your meat-eating boyfriend?!
Veggie Girls - How fo you deal with your meat-eating boyfriend?
We try and stay out of eachothers' way and keep our opinions to ourselves, but sometimes when I am in a bad mood I can be preachy or when I cook for him he gets moody about the fact there is no meat involved in my cooking. What do you do to deal with something you are so passionate about that someone you love treats as something menial? Thanks in advance....PLEASE no snarky remarks I am just trying to get a question answered here.
Additional Details2 days ago
Fran - Why would you suggest I get a grip? I am not a preachy vegetarian, and I would never force a new eating habit apon him, I am making an effort to ask VEGETARIANS how to deal with it, not how to convert him, did you even read my question?
2 days ago
I do appreciate your advice, but I did not ask your advice on the subject of vegetarianism or animal cruelty, that's a different post. I asked for something you obviously can't answer because it isn't in your field. Not trying to be rude, just a little offended I was told to get a grip...
I don't see what else but to start feeling comfortable with it or make a compromise.
He obviously doesn't eat meat just to set you off, and he obviously doesn't feel the same way about animals (and all that stuff), so try getting used to it.
If not, then try to make a compromise. When you cook, if it's no big deal make two seperate dishes. Or if it really bothers you, ask him if he'll not eat meat in front of you.