How does vegertians and vegans feel about President Putin?!
How does vegertians and vegans feel about President Putin?
Hes one of the most popular and best world leaders today with 85 percent approval rating in russia and aboard.
Additional Details3 days ago
I'm just trying see the if vegetarian's and vegan are empathic about most politic things. Jared ed your very foolish stupid I'm from russia and everything said so wrong. he is not taking away freedoms and liberty he great leader that people love. he protected American keep from being taken over by American influence and greed. I would say those things about your leader. Were starting cold war again why because we disagree with you and Iraq. And think your trying take over the world with imperialism and we don't like building missile close to are border?
3 days ago
Michael H maybe he would if brits would hand over terrorist responsible for beslan attack killing the all thouse children.
President Putin is made of meat... There fore I will not eat him...