From what source does the calcium that they use to fortify soy milk and other vegan products come from?!
From what source does the calcium that they use to fortify soy milk and other vegan products come from?
Good question. There are actually good sources of calcium that are vegetable in origin ... but CHECK the ingredients of anything you buy because the manufacturers will sometimes 'mistakenly' add things like bone meal or egg shells (ground very fine) that a vegan doesn't want to eat. And you must check EVERY TIME, because they can 'change' the source of the vitamins and minerals and all they have to do is put the 'scientific name' on the ingredients ... but if it's vegan, it should say VEGAN on the label ... if it's only 'vegetarian' then some 'animal products' may be added. Soy is actually a 'natural source of calcium' ... but the other stuff I really don't have a 'clue' about the calcium's source.