What is better for the environment, eating meat or vegetables?!
What is better for the environment, eating meat or vegetables?
Land area per calories etc
Additional Details2 days ago
I found this-
Eating vegetables is far more efficient in terms of land use. It is also kinder to the environment because of nitrates, co2 immissions, fuel and water use etc. 67% of CO2 immissions are down to beef and dairy farms.
I have an arable farm (edit: in la la land apparently ) with pet sheep and cows so am in a good position to say how much land is required for each.
With my land i coud feed a small town ( perhaps 5,000 people ) with veggies, fruit, nuts , cereals for a whole year. Indefinately
Our pet cows need about 3 acres each plus other land for occasional rotation during the year. Also this land cannot be used to graze cows indefinately, the land needs to rest otherwise nitrates get too high. The amount of cows my land would support would never feed 5,000 people for a year, nor would it give then the goodness and variety of foods arables can provide.
Its consistantly reported in in-depth research that more people will have be veggie as the world cannot support the rising population on a meaty diet