I want to become a vegan .?!
I want to become a vegan .?
what are some foods to start out with . and can i drink milk ?
Vegans don't drink cow's milk. They may have soy milk, oat milk, almond milk, hemp milk, rice milk, etc. YES, contrary to a comment above, vegans do eat a vegan ice cream and there's no difference in taste. There's also ice cream sandwiches, such as Toffutti Cuties, that taste exactly like the dairy form as well. As for ice cream flavors, my current favorites are Rice Cream in Carrot Cake flavor and also Mudd Pie.
To put it simply, vegans eat everything everyone else does, except without animal products.
An excellent website for recipes is vegweb.com
There's also fatfreevegan.com
To find a veggie restaurant or a health food store in your area, try happycow.net
Whole Foods Market has an endless amount of vegan foods throughout the store.