Vegan Yogurt?!
Vegan Yogurt?
Do you have a good Vegan Yogurt recipe for an elecrtic yogurt maker?
vegan yogurt does exist
Not sure if this is what you want sooo sorry if its not, use google and look it up if you dont find a good answer here
Serving Size : 12
Categories : Vegetarian
Allow 5 min to prepare
1-2 days to ferment
To make 1 Pt. 6 - 1/2 C Svg
3 1/2 tb Starter culture
1 pt Soya milk
Divide the starter culture equally between 2 or 3
storage jars (jam jars are ideal) then fill each jar
with soya milk, seal and shake vigorously.
Place in the refrigerator till fermented (1-2) days.