Vegetarian problems, please help?!
Vegetarian problems, please help?
Ok, about a month or so ago, I started to feel really guolty about eating meat, I didn't know why, but it got worse and worse to where I almost gagged when I ate meat. I decided to not be "vegetarian" but instead "obstain from eating meat". Do I have to be labeled a "vegetarian" to do this? Does anyone have any tips on how to avoid eating meat as much as possible? (ps: I have nothing against people who don't feel the same way I do, so don't think I'm legalistic or something.)
You don't have to label yourself about vegetarianism, or any thing else for that matter. You can abstain without explanation to anyone. If you're offered a meat dish, you can decline nicely without explanation or declaration. Only occasionally, will you be aked directly, "Would you prefer chicken or steak?" "Neither, thank you." is my reply. Vegetarianism is easy since virtually every menu has vegetarian choices and all chefs are willing to accommodate special requests. If you don't make a big deal about it, you can probably be a vegetarian for years before anyone even notices.