I am finding Vegans are worse than Fire & Brimstone Christians?!
I am finding Vegans are worse than Fire & Brimstone Christians?
Here is a question on here posted by a vegan
Why do people think it is okay to eat meat?
I am trying to convince my new neighbors to stop eating meat, but they told me that it was okay because it was food? That is their only excuse.
I know about what time they get home from work so me and my friends are going to be waiting on them in their driveway when they get home. We spent several hours on some nice signs showing the truth about this so called "food" they think is okay to eat.
My question is this, what approaches have you used on meat eaters to get them to stop eating meat? If you are a vegan do you act this way. if you are a non vegan how would
My question is are most vegans this crazy? do they really think this will work to get people to covert? I think it is as effective eas the people who tell you God loves you unconditionally and then telling you if you dont then he will throw you in a fire and let you burn forever.
would you want her for a neighbor?
12 hours ago
Why did I post it, becuase I had a real question. This might be this ashley you speak of i am not sure,
If this is a meat eater posting as a vegan to cause trouble then that is sad that their life is that pitiful.
I just found this post and a few others by diffrent vegans very disturbing. I say good for you if you choose to be a vegan but respect others who dont.
I am a hunter and fisher so its not out of sight out of mind for me I am very aware of where meat comes from.
How do i block people from my account and what does that do exactly
12 hours ago
Sarahbeth J that was a very intersting post you made. you took the two things I kind of bashed in here a with the demeaner you used i felt totally at ease with you giving me your point of view and I got more out of your point of view than 100 militant rants. keep it up
11 hours ago
loubie lou you did realize i didnt post the crazy part about standing in someone drive . it was someone elses post
Well, I am a vegan AND a Christian.... not often seen in the same person! It is not my job to convert people to veganism. I simply give them facts about their living and dying conditions. I answer questions that are asked, and I don't give them a hard time for eating meat. All I can do is be an example of what someone with a truly compassionate lifestyle eats. I'm not ashamed of my diet/lifestyle, but at the same time, I don't push it down peoples throats and tell them they're murdering animals if they eat meat.
My relationship with Christ is much the same way. I answer questions the best I can, I give them information about what Jesus has done for me personally and how my life has changed since I've decided to follow Him. I try to lead by example in the way I live, which I'll be the first to admit I don't succeed everyday. And God DOES love you.
I don't want her for a neighbor. I want you for a neighbor! haha