Is being a vegan bad?!
Is being a vegan bad?
What bad things will happen if you are a vegan?
Nothing bad will happen to you.
You can get all of your B vitamins. Since they all can be found in vegan foods (Like a wide variety of vegetables and fortified foods.)
Protein is NO big deal... as long as you eat enough. A lot of vegetarian foods are good sources of protein. Whole grains, beans, some veggies. The whole protein scare is really a big myth.
Iron is easy as long as you eat your legumes, whole grains, green leafy vegetables, oatmeal, and broccoli.
Vitamin D isn't a problem. Depending on many factors (where you live, cloud cover/ or smog, sunscreen, skin color, time of the year) You body can obtain vitamin D from having the sunlight on the skin. Vitamin D can also be found in fortified foods like soy milk and cereal.
Calcium can be found in green leafy vegetables, Tofu, nuts, seed, and fortified foods (like soy milk).
I can't think of anything else to add...
Sometimes you hear about the benefits of meat (fish in particular) because they have omega-3. This can be found easily in a vegan diet (like in ground flax seed & walnuts.)
Hope that helps:]
Don't let the thought of becoming a vegan scare you because of all the meat and dairy industry propaganda out there. It's really great once you get used to it.