Why are peope vegetarian?!
Why are peope vegetarian?
I love meat, and I don't understand how people can live without it? Who cares if we need to kill animals for it, isn't that what animals are for?
Just wondering, because the idea seems absolutely ridiculous to me.
3 days ago
I'm sorry if I offended anyone. When I eat meat I don't think about the animals. I just can't look at a simple bologna and think about it being from an animal. I guess some other people's brains work diffirently. I used to live on a farm and saw animals being killed but that was the only way we survived. I think people are vegetarian now because there's so much food. I came from a different country and we didn't have so much to choose from. We had farm animals, and whatever we could grow in the garden, so understand my point. I was raised to believe animals are to eat, otherwise what's the point of a cow? Or what about a pig? We can't just let them grow for nothing. I don't know that's my point. Sorry, I respect all of your answers.
Its called the food chain people, for all the vegans out there that always talk about animal cruelty you should watch the animal channel, have you even seen a lion eat its pray? it feeds on it while its alive, ever since we became human we've been eating animals, this is whats called human nature. Don't get me wrong I love animals and don't think we should eat all animals but when it comes down to it we are who we are. Vegans for the most part have good arguments against animal consumption and I truly respect that but shoving it down someones throat is really unfair. Its like this big issue know a days with animal cruelty and so on, how about human cruelty , why don't we as humans protect and try to care for ourselves as we do animals.
How about plants? they live? that's not an argument.
The point is let people eat what they want to eat but there's limits, like that idiot from another answer that talked about cannibalism? what? Its like comparing a gay guy to a pedophile, common, eating chicken to eating human flesh that's just disgusting and illogical at the same time and if you look at the other answers people actually agreed on that comparison.
If you eat meat good, if you are a vegan be healthy, you shouldn't judge , be neutral.