Is PETA going to hire Michael Vick?!
Is PETA going to hire Michael Vick?
I have a feeling Ingrid Newkirk likes the potential in this young man. I mean, she does validate the killing of thousands of dogs PETA masacres every year. And Vick could help her with financing her "non-profit" scam....... I mean foundation.
Additional Details7 hours ago
Why wouldn't I be serious, PETA killed over 1,000 doggs last year.
7 hours ago
PETA kills dogs
Michael Vick kills dogs
Think I'm kidding? Do some research
7 hours ago
After Vick see's a dog, its dead
After PETA see's a dog, its dead
Does PETA kill them in a way that makes them less dead?
3 hours ago
Nice point KRISTER, look what you just said
PETA saves animals from getting euthanized with shotguns and gas chambers so that they can give them lethal injection which has less of a chance for trauma.
Did you really just write that? Is that not a PETA answer or waht, you f'ing idiot. How is a injection less traumatic that a shot gun? Nice answer PETA moron, you guys are hilarious . Keep the BS coming, I love it
1 hour ago
PHSYCO COLA, nice argument, you debate like an 8 year old girl
Wow, I love this question. It's about time somebody exposed peta for what they really are. Selfish, money hungry jerks who dont really care about animals at all. Peta has no problem killing animals if it means getting their point across. I've read the horror stories about them too, and saw the article about how they kill thousands of dogs that they promised to find homes for. I saw the pictures too. Maybe you should post the site, because nobody is going to believe you without it. Peta has thousands of people fooled into believing they're doing good for animals. The only thing theyre doing good for is themselves and their wallets. People should do a little more research before they just blindly follow an organazation, because it *appears* to be doing good. Infact the only time I've seen peta "helping" animals is when theres media coverage involved. Even then I never see them actually helping, I just see them getting free publicity, while thousands of animals are being abused, starved, and murdered every day. Do you think peta is helping those animals? Not likely.
I also have issues with a group that values an animals life more than a humans. I adore animals, but peta would rather see a human die, then an animal (unless theyre the ones killing it). I remember a case where they used a baboon heart to save a little girls life. Peta didnt care about that little girl but boy did they raise hell about that poor baboon. When Steve Irwin died, Peta was quick to jump on television (more publicity) and say he had it coming. They're extremists and I'd rather donate my money to a place like the humane society, thats atleast going to use it for animals, and not as a down payment on their new BMW.
Also-- Anyone who thinks peta kills animals "humanely", obviously hasnt done their research on that one, either. Recently around here a bunch of minks got loose from a mink farm. After a few days, peta members came forward and said they did it, and were proud. Dont get me wrong, Im against raising minks for fur, but in those farms they had shelter, and food, and were actually killed humanely when the time came. within days of them getting set free, you couldnt drive down the road without seeing a dead mink on the road, from getting run over, or attacked by another animal. The ones who managed to escape that fate starved to death because they were raised in captivity and didnt know how to survive in the wild. Does that sound humane to you? Peta didnt "Save" them, they set them free to face the ultimate fate they would've faced in the farms, only much, much worse. And guess what, even after they started turning up dead and mangled, peta still didnt regret it, and were still proud of their actions. You know why? Because it got them MORE free publicity.