Ive been a veggie since Feb. the other day i tried to eat chicken and i threw it up. Why did this happen?!
Ive been a veggie since Feb. the other day i tried to eat chicken and i threw it up. Why did this happen?
Is my body shutin meat out for good? I felt awful and people were looking at me like i was crazy. Do you think i threw up becuase it was all in my head that meat is bad?
Wow, ppl have said a lot of rude, obnoxious answers on here. Ignore them.
You threw up most likely because your body isn't used to eating and digesting meat. If you only had a bite of chicken, I doubt that you'd throw up from it because you ate such a small quantity. But if you ate more than a bite, you'd probably get sick since your body isn't used to digesting meat.
For example, I ate at a Chinese restaurant once and ordered this tofu dish (I'm a lacto-ovo vegetarian). There was accidentally a small piece of chicken in it and I didn't realize this until I tasted it and then spit it back out. That didn't make me sick at all. The same think happened to me another time at a different restaurant and I actually swallowed the small piece of chicken, but I was fine. My 6th grade teacher was a vegan and I remember her telling me that one time she went to this veg*n fair and tasted something that she thought was vegan, but later threw up cuz it obviously had had dairy/eggs in it. My uncles a vegetarian and always gets sick when he eats soup with chicken stock in it.
So anyways, those are a whole bunch of examples. Almost everyone who's been veg*n and then eats some meat will throw up from it.
But I've gotta ask, why were you eating a piece of chicken if you've been veg*n since February? Don't give up being a veg*n!