What's a good vegetarian mid-day snack?!
What's a good vegetarian mid-day snack?
i need a snack (or snacks) that i can make quickly and take with me to school. the cafeteria at my school doesn't have any vegetarian food and i want something that will keep my energy up and tastes good too. thanks a lot.
oh and if it's vegan, it's even better!
that's simple.. an apple.. orange... something that can take temperature changes and can be stored in your lunch....
carrots... juice... simple things.
apricots... tangerines, a salad prepared where you can add the items together when ready to eat...
things like that are very simple. it will store in room temperatures. small tupperware can help this along.. you can also use a small icepack (that you can freeze overnight) the kind that don't sweat up everything.
there ideas are boundless... the fruits and veggies if prepared right can store for hours.. and the school day's not really that long (no, believe me it just seems long) and any vegetable and/or fruit can store in a insulated lunch bag with those velcro and a small ice pack with some plastic wares to seal the items and prepare it all beforehand (slicing, dicing.. putting into containers for later... ) and put it together when you're ready.
no fuss... actually... though it's something YOU must do. you'll be eating much better than most at the school.
good eating habits last a lifetime!