Reasons NOT to consume dairy?!
Reasons NOT to consume dairy?
I am vegan and have been for 3 years. I was lacto-ovo vegetarian for 11. So I already have MY reasons for not consuming dairy products. But I was wondering, what OTHER vegans' reasons would be for avoiding dairy products in particular. Links and sources would be greatly appreciated.
[once again I am trying to give a "valid reason" to family/friends for why I don't eat certain things, and "moral reasons" just isn't good enough lol... though of course this changes nothing]
1 day ago
milk (and other dairy) causes me severe cramping and abdominal pain.
(eggs gross me out)
the concept of pus and blood in my milk grosses me out too
don't want to consume growth hormones, pesticides, antibiotics, etc
concerned about dairy's impact on my body (osteoporosis, crohn's disease, etc)
and after breastfeeding, I can't imagine putting a cow through that (engorgement, mastitis, "pumping" machines, losing their babies, being forced to make milk, being forced to make 10x as much milk as their bodies designed, etc etc etc)
cows don't deserve the treatment they get AT ALL...
[just some of my personal reasons]
I decided I could not longer use dairy when I learned that the sons of dairy cows were sent off to the veal crates. I objected to veal long before I went vegetarian because of its cruelty, never making the dairy-veal connection until I started reading stuff.
But when you think about it, you realize, okay, the cow is producing milk because she's pregnant (never mind for a moment that she's been artificially inseminated so she will get pregnant). That milk is for her baby, just like every other mammal. Dogs produce milk for their puppies. Cats produce milk for their kittens. Sheep produce milk for their lambs. Goats produce milk for their kids. Humans produce milk for their babies. Cows produce milk for their calves. No other species drinks the milk of another, nor do they consume milk beyond infancy.
So consuming dairy is stealing milk from a baby calf. And, yes, the cows are pumped up with hormones and antibiotics to encourage more milk production and counteract mastitis from constant milking.
Sounds to me these friends and family should have a "valid reason" for continuing to consume dairy.