I need to clear this up. will you listen..?!
I need to clear this up. will you listen..?
I dont really belive in the word "vegeterian" anymore because everybody stereotypes it.!
Look! -> http://ca.answers.yahoo.com/question/ind...
Just because youve gone veggie, doesnt mean you cant eat meat. UNLESS, thats what you think. if you dont WANT to eat meat, thats ok. If you want to eat some soup that has meat in it, then.. eat it! just dont eat it all the time, and say your veggie.
I eat some meat that my grandparent makes. yeah, i do, and its really good! but, i dont eat it all that much, and only certain kinds. I wont eat hunted food, liver, steak, etc. I will eat chicken, gelatin, sweet sour pork chops, etc. but only once in a while.
thanks for listening. now, i want to know your opinion. please keep it nice, though.
What do you think of what i just said..?
2 days ago
Ha. Basically all i got on that other questions was negativeness,
2 days ago
"Please keep it nice, though"
thanks ALOT. yeah. Not.
2 days ago
yeah. you dont get it, do you..?
EXCEPT! EXCEPT! EXCEPT! skully. skully understood TOTALLY!
2 days ago
lilly squirtle said something completely opposite than she did on her blog- heres SOME of it:
( http://blog.360.yahoo.com/blog-gxld3h0hc... )
When a person declares themselves a 'vegetarian' a certain philosophy
and behaviors seems to be expected...
from them, so if you don't conform to what people think of as vegetarian behavior, you get
grief from both other vegetarians AND meat eaters...so I have decided I will no longer declare
myself as a vegetarian...it is getting to be too trendy anyway...although I doubt my eating
habits will change much...I just don't like the expectations put on me from other people...I
don't like labels of any kind...so, any comments
As I have said many times before (and the English teacher in me feels the need to say again) the
word "vegetarian" is just that, a word with a definition. Labels are used a million times a day in
society because it is more efficient
You would find yourself understood in most cultures that regard themselves as "vegetarian". However, you won't, as you have already discovered from some of the comments, be underestood here at the V&V forum.
I wouldn't worry about it. Your detractors aren't that important in the scheme of things nor are they in concert with most of the world's vegetarian cultures. Reason and clear thinking are not, for the most part, to be found in the V&V forum. It attracts mostly dichotomous--black and white--thinking, insecure, knee-jerk reactionaries from what I read.
If you want to identify as "vegetarian" that is your choice. It sounds like your diet is well-balanced and moderate. There is no label for that. Maybe "well-balanced and moderate" is as close as you are going to get to a label.
To avoid a lot of idiotic flack such as you got from the silly gooses here, you might take the advice someone gave you of simply saying that you eat little or no meat. I mean who would WANT to be identified with the foolishness on here?