If your a carnivore then dont read! there is certainly no secret clubs here!!!!?!
If your a carnivore then dont read! there is certainly no secret clubs here!!!!?
i think we should start a secret club! who is with me? but dont tell meat people!
come up with name suggestions and stuff like that.
1 day ago
umm, yeah, ill allow peta unless theyr absolutley obsessed, and yes, you can be a secretary if you really want to be
1 day ago
michael H, if you really want to wave celery then you can, i might join you in that, sounds quiete interesting, got any name suggestions?
18 hours ago
the name is SSVE cos its sounds cool, i will make a wikipedia page, cos its easy and our secret handshake could be shaking the celery, or if you dont like celery, any other type of veg, i spose most people wont see this but ill post another questions 2moz cos im tired and i live in england
SSVE = Secret Society of Vegetarian Elitists
Do we need to wear the celery on our heads like a hat? I mean all secret clubs have a hat. (The shriners, the secret order of Buffalos etc)