Meat and vegans?!
Meat and vegans?
ok, i am not a vegetarian or vegan, but would like to be one day.
i know that vegans are very against anything to do with animals and animal products. and from what ive heard its mainly about how the animals are kept in dirty, unsanitary, unhealthy conditions, & pumped up with growth hormones then brutally slaughtered to feed the mass population.
so my question is, say i have a farm, completely ran and owned by myself and family. we have cows and chickens. we do not raise them for mass consumption. when we need to eat one of the animals we kill it humanly and use all of the body with out waste of it.
i know that the eating of meat obviously rules me out for being a vegan. but i guess the real question is, would it be seen as more of an accepted thing by vegans to eat meat if it was done in this fashion?
37 minutes ago
for krister.
********not for long.**
as long as the person didnt torture me. id be much more content with the situation.
28 minutes ago
ok so i was just trying to get a stand point on why the no meat thing. and its obvious, killing animals=bad. if i was to become vegan it would be for the health reasons. not that i think its way cool to kill animals, but if done in an oxymoronish way, i feel it would be more in tune with nature....think of the indians, they made their peace with the animal - thanking it for its gifts. i know that in this day and age hunting animals is unessesary since we have many more alternatives. but its a bad habit to break i do say. eating meat that is...thank you for all your insightful answers.
I would definitely say it would be far better to raise your own animals for food than to contribute to the factory farming industry. Like you said, it doesn't make you a vegan, but it at least cuts down on the cruelty the animals will have to go through.
That being said, there are other motivations for being vegan than just the way the animals are raised. Humans don't need meat, and the concept of drinking another species' breastmilk is one of the most unnatural things to ever work its way into our society.
I'm sure all vegans (myself included) will wish you went all the way vegan, but the reasonable ones will recognize the benefit of at least trying to reduce suffering. Good luck.