Why are so many veggies & vegans against peta?!
Why are so many veggies & vegans against peta?
i am not part of peta or anything like that (except SSVE). i understand that some of the extremists are annoying but not all peta members are like that, alot of them just like to give money to support a good cause, why does peta hae such a negative image?
i have heard about the rumors about them killing animals, but i tend not to believe things with out proof.
also, no People Eating Tasty Animals jokes, they're getting boring
I'm divided about PETA. I appreciate their efforts at bringing awareness of a real problem to the masses. They certainly did that for me. I am very moved by visual materials generally (fine arts major), and PETA's graphic videos are no exception. In fact, I would cite "Meet Your Meat" as one of the reasons I went vegan in the first place.
While there's no doubt about their sincerity, I do sometimes question the honesty of the presentation. Their videos have a certain staged quality about them and things seem to be taken out of context to some degree. Extremism in presentation and demonstration is only going to gain so many converts. There's that word: "converts." Most people don't want to be converted to anything. There's a fine line there.