I love tempeh but it gives me stomach problems...anyone else have this problem?!
I love tempeh but it gives me stomach problems...anyone else have this problem?
I use it to make mock sausage crumbles and such, but it makes me really bloated and it's hard for me to digest. Do you think my body needs to get used to it...or is it just something I won't be able to eat. I ahve also ordered it in restaurants and had the same problem so it's not my cooking!! :)
Additional Details6 hours ago
I love quinoa...any idea on where to find tempeh made from quinoa...didn't think I had a problem with wheat because I eat a lot of wheat but who knows!!
You might want to steam or marinate your tempeh before cooking it. For some people, that makes it easier to digest.
And your body may need time to get used to it as well.