Does soy milk have a distintive smell when it goes bad?!
Does soy milk have a distintive smell when it goes bad?
It says 7-9 days after you open it, it's bad. Well it's day 10, are their signs I know not to drink it, or just take the label's word for it?
Answers: I've kept soy milk for weeks.
I actually had to stretch my last carton for 3 weeks. It wasn't bad, but it did get chalky tasting...
You'll know when it's bad... it will smell really bad.
I remember one time I let one go bad, I can't describe the smell to you, the most I can say about it is that it smelled like @s s.
It's up to you, if you feel comfortable drinking it... then go right ahead... : \
Usually I just go by the smell...
I'd say that it will stay good for atleast 2 weeks though... Source(s):
My 360 :] All milk that is bad has a bad smell....go by the date always!! If your fridge is cold enough, it's okay. The date you see is the seel-by date. It's stil okay for 2-3 days. Keep it cold though... It's probably still okay. But don't use it if it really smells bad or keep it for more than one or two more days.
I never smelled bad soy milk, but I know spoiled tofu can smell pretty nasty. I'm sure it would be the same for soy milk since it's basically a liquid form of tofu. maybe it starts to smell good