Should I become a vegetarian?!
Should I become a vegetarian?
I have decide that I would like to become a vegi aftha thinking about it for a week and my Mum thinks I have rushed into it and tharsed it into her face. How do I convince her I have bean thinking about it for a while on and off.
Answers: watch these videos under "meet the animals" they explain everything then tell me your decision........
and just some extra info
*Lacto-Ovo - People who do not eat animal flesh of any kind but do eat dairy and eggs
*Vegan - Vegans eat no food that is derived from animals. This includes all dairy products and eggs. Believe it or not gelatin contains an ingredient that is derived from animals.
*Pescatarian - People who abstain from eating all meat and animal products with the exception of fish.
*Ovo - People who eat eggs, but no meat.
*Lacto - People who eat dairy, but no eggs or meat. Dude, it's your body. Make your own decision. Absolutely. It can be a hard commitment, though.
Just explain to her how importatnt it is to you and you have thought it thru and it is the lifestyle you have chosen. Also, make sure to mention all of the positives about being a vegi- its better for your heart, it helps keep cholesterol down, and there are many protien rich alternatives like soy, nuts, tofu, and veggie burgers
PS- my dad had a hard time with it when I told him and I finally got him to understand when I equated it to eating our cat because I could not bear the thought of eating something that used to have a face What " history " do you have as proof that you go back for some time in making this food intake change?
For a good healthy food line up without going to strictly fruits and vegetables, consider joining Weight Watchers for an all around good healthy eating " way of life."
Weight Watchers has been around a long, long time and have helped tens of thousands people find an excellent way to eat proper foods with the proper nutrients for a long healthy life.
I am sure that your mom knows about this organization and the many people they have helped over the years. this just might be a better compromise with her. ease into it slowly and try it out for a while - you don't have to stay a vegetarian but if you find that you like it and feel better, then maybe you'll want to. Becoming a vegetarian is not really such a big deal. You are still going to eat eggs, butter, milk, cheese etc. So it is fairly easy to cook for a vegetarian.
If you want to be vegan that is more difficult for your mom to cook for you and buy stuff for you. I am vegan and do my own cooking etc. and it is not easy, especially if someone else (your mom) has to find recipes and make stuff for you.
I would tell you mom that you want to try being a vegetarian and will she support you if you do it for a month. Tell her you will find recipes if she needs them (free on the net) and then you can also offer to help her cook... and clean up afterwards!
If she sees you are serious and can stick to it for a month she will be more OK with you doing it for longer periods of time.
She also needs to see that you have done some research on it so you will be eating balanced meals.
Good luck with going veggie! doesn't know why anyone needs the time to think... a diet rich in fresh fruits and vegetables is actually a very good diet.
i don't understand... when did people get stupid? doesn't you mom tell you to eat your veggies? ????
i had that pounded into my head as a child.. eat right! eat the vegetables and eat your fruits.. OR ELSE!!!
why suddenly is a vegetable and fruit rich diet going to kill someone?
listen, you can't convince the blind... just go for it.. outlive everyone in your family.
(if it's fresh produce.. not that canned, frozen or prepackaged garbage.) You should do what you want to and leave the "bean thinking" to the beans. why do you have to convince your mum? its your life, cook your own food, do your own thang. she might appreciate it if you shared the good tasting things with her while you are at it. Just try talking it over with her, and not giving up. Parents are often like that at first, you need to show you're consistent in your decision. They can't make you eat meat if you don't want to. They will at first think it'll pass, you'll start eating meat again soon, so just show them you're not. After a while they will have no other choice than to accept you really have turned veggie.
Good luck, most of us have been there too. You are the only person who can make the final decision for yourself. You did not give your age which may make a difference with your mother being involved in the decision. I know a few people who practice this and are quite happy and healthy. Try it out slowly for a while and if you like it, continue.
Best of luck on your decision.