I was wondering...?!
I was wondering...?
Vegetarians do you cook meat for others to eat?I'm curious as I am a vegetarian[two months, three weeks,yay!] and my baby sister likes me to cook for her.I'm going to visit her soon and I know she will ask me to cook for her.[She is five actually]
When I became a vegetarian it was not because of cruelty to animals.I just did not like how meat tasted.[I'm now reading up about the cruelty thing] I dont believe in forcing someone to eat only vegetables or meat.I believe everyone should have the choice to eat what they want freely without judgment.
But back to my question.Do you think its ok to cook meat for her?have you ever been faced with this situation?
Thanks for your help
Answers: If it goes against your own personal morals then don't do it. It is no different from Muslim friends of mine only cooking with halal meat etc. If you don't feel comfortable it doesn't make you a bad person and if they are nice people and your nice about it then I'm sure they will understand.
The main thing is that your refraining on judging or preaching and you respect meat-eaters wishers. Your approach sounds really level headed and considerate so don't worry too much! I think that's up to you. If you're having ethical issues about the meat now, you have to think about how it would make you feel to still participate in the cruelty of the farming industry, even if you were simply cooking it for someone else. That being said, if she's only five, there are plenty of ways you could make something that she would like, without the meat. Like the above person said, it's up to you. I personally would never do it b/c it grosses me out. I'm a vegetarian and I do cook meat products for family and guests. I will only cook red meats only if I have to take them out of the package, season and grill. I do not like to prepare large cuts of beef and work at cutting them up.
Same goes with chicken - I will not cook them if they on on the bone - I only buy and prepare organic, boneless skinless chicken. 99% fat free ground turkey doesn't gross me out either.
I've been told that my vegetarian meals are very good and no one ever misses the meat. I'm a lacto-ovo veg, but my husband isn't. I cook meat for him, and it works for us. If you are a vegetarian for other reasons than cruelty to animals, I don't see anything wrong with it.
If someone wants to eat meat, I don't think it's ethical to force vegetarianism onto them just like I expect my husband not to force meat-eating on me. it's not okay... because you yurself is a vegetarian mean you won't killl or cook any living things. As a vegetarian , you can't cook or even kill a living thing.
It cruel to kill an animal , every animal in the world has a life.