Is a Klondike Ice Cream Bar vegetarian?!
Is a Klondike Ice Cream Bar vegetarian?
I am talking about the Strawberry Cheesecake variety, not the original. I saw Natural Flavoring on the list. Do you know if it is vegetarian or not?
Answers: NO!
They are most certainly NOT vegetarian! First off, here's a link to the 'official' ingredient list (but these are made in multiple plants and this list can vary).
These are made by Unilever and this company has said that ALL their whey is produced using rennet (calf stomach). Unilever has also stated that they use sugar filtered with burnt animal bones.
Rather perversely Unilever *claims* their ice cream products are suitable for vegetarians, but they also sold 'vegetarian' bouillon cubes that contained gelatin!
Unilever products should always be suspect! Source(s):
In no way should this answer be construed as revealing any trade or industry secrets. Yes, if you are the kind of vegetarian that still consumes dairy, then yes it is perfectly vegetarian. there's vegetarian - no meat, and therefore, ice cream bars do not contain meat, so ur safe there.
then there's the people who don't consume any products made from animals, and then, therefore, you could not eat the icecream. unless you got soy milk icecream. You just have to make sure there is no gelatin in it. Vegan = no.
Vegetarian = yes, as long as there isn't any gelatin in it. Vegetarian means whether it has meat or not, and no it has no meat in it so yes it's vegetarian If you are a Vegan Then no you are not allowed(or choose not to) because the ice cream is made from dairy (milk duh lol).
Vegetarians (depending on their plan) can consume milk or other dairy products. Do I care? Hell NO! Why? Because Strawberry Cheesecake Klondikes are AWESOME.