What are some ingredients one should look out for in processed foods if they are vegetarian/vegan?!
What are some ingredients one should look out for in processed foods if they are vegetarian/vegan?
I have no idea what these long names actually are. Does anyone know some offhand, which they could list? What, specifically, can a vegetarian/vegan definitely eat, which is processed?
Answers: There are thousands of ingredients used to make foods. The Food and Drug Administration (FDA) maintains a list of more than 3000 ingredients in its database
Here is the list (Non US, but does the trick for non amimal based pfi)
http://www.vnv.org.au/foodadditives.htm... I have no clue... I would just like to know that the food I eat, is made in the U.S.A. I half @ssed trust our FDA, but have no confidence in toys, let alone; imported "food stuff".
With all of the recalls now, I think a certificate of origin with EVERYTHING is in order. How about not eating processed foods? Most processed foods have chemicals (ie poisons), why would you want to put that into your body?
You don't eat meat because you don't want to hurt the poor animals, but you are hurting yourself by putting processed food into your body. How about make your own greenhouse? Then you know what you are getting. Isolated Soy Protein - often found in meat substitutes (i.e. "fake meat")
For more information: http://www.drmcdougall.com/misc/2005nl/a... hydrogenated oils are supposed to be really bad and can be found in vegetarian foods
I personally would eat anything by Amy's