Going vegetarian or vegan, what kind of symptoms did you get from detoxing after getting rid of the bad stuff?!
Lots of water would help too :)
Answers: Id suggest doing some exercise if you know you will be detoxing, it can help to clear things out and deal with the head aches.
Lots of water would help too :)
Um....none? I felt a little bit more energetic, but that's about it.
i think personally that you shouldn't become vegetarian in the first place . people who do
should do it for a reason like having health problems from eating meat or out of poverty where meat is expensive. other than that it looks like a hard decision .
Some people claim to feel lethargic and attribute it to "detoxing", but if this is the case they're probably deficient in some vitamin. If you're serious about going vegetarian, it is crucial for you to get enough iron, as well as B-vitamins.
I didn't feel any different, except for very hungry... this was before I learned that as a vegetarian I could eat a greater volume of food and maintain the same weight.