Advice on being vegetarian?!
99.9% of them have absolutely no clue on the subject. I suggest they pick up a few books on the matter and actually read them. Then come back here with real opinions, and not your "expert" knowledge, that has been conditioned in your brains by your parents, and the commercial industrialized media.
Why do people choose to block out the truth?
Answers: Why is it that some flesh eaters feel the need to come to V* with their so called "Expert" opinions?
99.9% of them have absolutely no clue on the subject. I suggest they pick up a few books on the matter and actually read them. Then come back here with real opinions, and not your "expert" knowledge, that has been conditioned in your brains by your parents, and the commercial industrialized media.
Why do people choose to block out the truth?
They dont want to face reality that they are murderers! Its a hard thing to accept and they would rather live in denial.
cos people don't have education on that so they think they are right.
Human nature. Most people know their food comes from someplace they don't want to know about, and know it involves animal cruelty they are denying. A vegetarian is a living breathing reminder that they aren't forced to eat meat.
Because of the vague guilt, there are numerous rumors about how "unhealthy" vegetarians are, and how you won't get enough protein, and your hair will fall out, etc etc. They use these things as justification for continuing to eat meat.
There are only two reasons to continue eating it. 1) It tastes good; and 2) they're lazy. People will do amazing things to justify doing things they really want to do.
Retailers know this - feature the new slew of Hardee's (Carl Jr's) ads equating eating big pieces of meat with masculinity and sex appeal, when of course eating that stuff makes you fat, and clogged arteries make for limp man-parts. But all the braggadocio continues, and sells a lot of hamburgers.
My wife decide to go vegetarian last year.
The toughest thing is working out the menu, see I do most of the cooking and most of my old recipes center on meat. For the last year things have worked well. I probably cook less meat for myself and my wife is happy with the vegetarian meals I cook for her.
Find somebody who knows how to cook a meal without meat. After a few months of bland rice and bean dishes most people give up. Invest in spices and a few new recipe books. Go to a few vegetarian restaurants and see what's on their menu. I had to relearn and change my cooking habits so that my wife's meals would be as palatable as they are nutritious.
Why does the media block the truth? Meat is big industry but many people find meat easy, convenient and very satisfying. If you want vegetarianism to work the meals have to be just as satisfying.
Here is a HUGE confession!
I am so embarrassed to say that before I became vegetarian this year I was so sure I knew what I was talking about I'd go into vegan chatrooms and message boards and denounce and 'educate' people as well.
Then I actually did a lot of research, and I went beyond the pseudo-research that the government and the meat and dairy industries promote and facilitate, and I was enlightened.
I think many flesh-eaters believe they have some authority on the subject because their whole lives, the USDA, the FDA and culture and society lies to them! Think about it, the USDA has tried to reform and suggest vegetarian lifestyles for DECADES and the meat and dairy industry pays billions of dollars of hush-money to scientists, researchers and government officials to keep it on the downlow. I mean, the meat industry SUES journalists and authors who DO speak the truth! Even OPRAH was sued (and WON her lawsuit but it cost her millions in legal fees) in the 90's for talking about the beef industry's corrupt and sick treatment of cows!
Also society brainwashes you, think about some of our most popular phrases, "the big cheese", "bringing home the bacon", "he is a beefcake", etc etc. From when you are little also men especially feel a sense of masculinity in being flesh-eaters.
I apologize profusely for my past mistakes and I have become an advocate of truth to anyone who WANTS to know; I don't push my opinions on anyone but I gladly talk about it.