Where did GreenGhost (AKA Departed Lime Wraith) go?!
Answers: I noticed at the top of the V&V section, where it says Top Contributers, that he changed his name (made me chuckle) so I clicked on his profile and he hasn't been around for a month. What the heck? I disagreed with him on a few things, but he was by far the most knowledgeable and helpful regular here (there are very close seconds so please don't get offended, Michael H et. al.) and it would be a shame if he were gone for good. I certainly hope the trolls didn't run him off. For every troll there's still five good people just looking for some info on a healthier, more compassionate diet.
Evil forces have cast him into the darkness.
Do you believe in reincarnation?
Regulars of this forum should have noticed it occurring.
i know!! what did happen to him?
he was always helpful and resourceful.
hopefully he's not gone for too long...
I believe he had some legal problems at work. That's all I can say.
I guess he's departed. Maybe he doesn't have time for it right now and he'll come back later.
i wonder that too. he is missed :(. he helped me get through some issues i was having a few months ago..he really was a HUGE part of my recovery..he is so caring and smart. i hope he comes back soon! ps.thank you green ghost!<3xxooxxo.
Well, probably like me, he's gotten sick and tired of all of these repetitive questions coming up over and over and over. "Where do you get your protein? " "Where do you get your calcium?" "Do you drink milk, why not?" "Why are you vegan/vegetarian."
Here's a new one for ya, "If humans were to lay eggs, would you eat them?"
He had to check into the hospital for malnutrition.