What is a vegetarian substitute for chicken testicles?!
Answers: I'm making some chicken testicle soup and want to try it.
chic peas?................rabbit, don't know, but be careful, some recipies try to sneak in imitation crab, you don't want imitation crabs in your hare pie.
Chickens don't have testicles, roosters do. Make some bean soup instead.
i dont think vegetables or legumes have testicles
plain tofu =)
never had chicken testicles (or knew chicken's had them), but after tasting tofu, I could see it tasting that way!
chicken broth.
actually, we dont have a substitute, which to be fair, im thanksful for
Soy testicles.
And ew. I'm against hare on my pie.
Yours of course. I'm not sure if they would be sufficient though.
Nasty nuts, I guess.