Do I have to quit watching football since I am a vegan?!
There's no rules telling you what to do if youre a vegan. You simply do what you think is right.
If you like football and enjoy watching it, then watch it!
Who thefuck are you?
Ashley's brother?
Why don't you quit going into the football forum and getting those wannabe jocks all riled up.
They're the only jokers that can't tell how fake you are.
good point
But I really wonder
Do muslims play with the pigskin..?
Going a little overboard or should I say..... overkill aren"t you???????
Ugh... footballs haven't been made from animal skins for quite some time. Footballs are made from synthetic materials.
Watch out people!! The new Ashley!!
she keeps stepping lower...
why the hell would you.
are the cows playing football?
Lindsey D:
Here you go>
Good footballs are indeed still leather (NFL, NCAA, better HS programs).
However, this is still a rediculous concern.
Yes. You might come up with a crazy idea that you're able to play.
Nah. Just find fellow vegan sports fans and have fun.
Good question...
what about badminton, volley ball, jet ski, motor race, etc.???
Yes you do. The football is made from an animal so if you are a true vegan, you must boycott.
I am not a vegan so I can watch.