What are "teh" vegans?!
Answers: What's with all the harsh asnwers to this question? Ok, so "teh" probably just means "the", but it could certainly be a valid question. There are all kinds of acronyms and abbreviations out there. Why can't "teh" be one of them? The only reason I clicked on this question was becuase I, too, was curious as to what a "teh" vegan was.
Probably a typo of "the".
People you are clearly jealous of and wish you had the strength to be like.
A typo of the word "the" anyone who fails to see it is just either being dumb or is just pain stupid.
They are the group of vegans that go on holiday to Central Africa to hunt ivory based products.
"teh" is often used to identify The Elephant Hunters
Teh vegans are just regular vegans with really fat fingers. This prevents them from being able to properly use a keyboard to spell... or hit the "Check Spelling" button.
vegetarians fluent in 1337speak. pronounced "leet" speak.
it's a foreign language that is only used by absolute nerds and some gamers.
Probably the same thing as "hte" vegans--it's what's called a typographical error, or typo for short. Everyone makes them, but some people don't see them before clicking the Submit button.
Terrorist Extortionist Hypocrites.