What to eat for breakfast and lunch?!
Answers: I get really tired, exhausted etc I was wondering if you could tell me what to eat for breakfast so I I'll be full of energy and especially I'll be able to think clearly in class, for example, I was getting really frustrated and annoyed in math class over simple stuff, I didn't feel like doing it, part of it is because i was hungary but that must mean my lunch wasn't good enough for ME to function very well in school. Any ideas ( Cerial in the morning and kitkat, sprite, ensure which is an energy milk, for lunch)
I function at my best eating fresh fruit (as much as i want) with green tea and lots of water for breakfast..
lots of nuts, seeds, dried fruit, some pretzels and cheerios or raisin bran (basically, my homemade trail mix) with soymilk &some all natural vegetable or fruit juice for lunch. more water!
and for dinner i eat diffrent things everyday..
try fruit in the morning
and nuts and seeds (or stuff like that) with a whole grain bagel for lunch :)
good luck!, i hope you find what works for YOU.. xoxoox
How about an energy bar?
bacon and eggs?
in the morning, i eat fresh fruits, and dried fruits with seeds and nuts.
at lunch i eat salad with lots of mixed green vegetables and avocado.
i eat muesli after dinner for energy for the next day, that seems to work the best for me.
Breakfast i have wheat-bix with banana and skinny milk and toast with cheese and ham
ohh and ta glass of juice whatever we have in the house.
Lunch i bring a small serving of leftovers from the night b4 or a sandwhich/salad
yogurt as well
i drink only water during the day with the ocassional cup of tea
Let me try to give you breakfeast for the week.
On monday morning,you eat:cereal and milk but you don't put sugar on it,you put banana on it to have a little bit of sugar and after a 5 minutes you drink a half cup of orange juice.
On tuesday you eat spaguetti and hot dog and you drink cranberry juice
on wednesday you eat eggs and cheese and bread and you drink milkwith brown sugar
on thursday you eat macaroni and cheese with tuna and you drink strawberry juice
on friday you take a little bit of orange juice and cheese and tou take a cup of spring water and a pineapple puncake.
on saturday yo take what you want but no much fat
on sunday you take a little bit of pumpkin soup.
But you have to do some exercise for make-up your body.
Eat more fruit and veggies less carbs and refined sugars and you will have less of a spike and drop in your energy levels.
Breakfast I eat fresh fruits
Lunch a big garden salad with a nice piece of fruit
Have your kitkat and soda after school for your snack if you really feel that you need them.
Bacon, sausage, ham.
Heritage Ancient Grains Cereal with fresh fruit. You can buy it at Whole Foods Market.