A natural place for vegans?!
Answers: Can anyone tell me where in the world there is enough non-animal products that grow naturally, year around, where there is enough variety for a complete nutritional diet? Vegans always back up the fact that you can have a balanced diet on just fruits, vegetables, and grains, but the only place you can live like that is modern industrialized countries where produce is manufactured, shipped, and bought throughout different countries. Can you say we're a bit spoiled or what? If humans were truly meant to thrive on a vegan diet, we would all be living in the same place where there is perfect weather and conditions to grow over thirty different kinds of fruits and vegetables to get the adequate nutrition our bodies need. I feel that veganism and vegetarianism are products of the modern world. Why change the diets we have been accustomed to for thousands of years now?
Unlike the others, I understand your point. It is only because we are fortunate enough to live in a 1st world country (not to mention THE most wealthy country in the world) that people are able to go after such heady endeavors such as veganism. It's the same reason we fret about every minor little thing, be it a pointless little risk to your kids or an unknown species of bug that happens to live on one plant only. When you are less fortunate, all of these things become trivial compared to your own survival.
If people weren't so overall comfortable, no one would have the time nor the concern to be vegan.
The reasons I became a vegan:
1. factory farming
2. health
3. There's enough violence in the world; I don't want to add to it.
4. I can't solve the problems in Darfur, Iraq or global warming, but I can refuse to support the abusive torture that goes on at slaughterhouses.
with technology the way it is now, a great assortment of foods are available to vegans.
We've been killing each other for thousands of years as well. Children have been molested for thousands of years. People have been raped and robbed for thousands of years. I'm not seeing how this a good arguement to continue doing something!
People have the intelligence to travel, farm, and exchange goods (such as seeds) with others from other lands. There is nothing unnatural about agricultural endeavors. We're NATURALLY adept at being farmers.
Vegetarianism is not a product of the modern world. You mentioned weather good enough to grow fruits all year. Well, guess what, cows are raised in Texas because of the warm weather. You can raise cows in the winter but they have to be kept indoors which means nature did not fully intend on meat according your logic. Put it this way, MEAT IS A BUSINESS and unfortunately a very successful one. Same goes for the dairy industry, why do you think the dairy industry pushes you to have at least 6 (not actually sure of the number) servings of dairy a day. Thats ridiculous! It is all about money and business. Do not take things for their face value, question the motive of why they want you to keep consuming heart clogging products. Thanks for posting a serious question with out being judgemental and seeking a serious answer.
Racism and sexism have been around for ages as well, maybe those are good things.
According to this logic, I would say so.
Native peoples that thrive on a mostly plant based diet live much longer than those that live off of nothing but animal products. They also suffer from less chronic diseases.
There is NOTHING natural about the way animals live when being raised or used for food. http://meat.org
If you don't want to change your diet then don't. I haven't tried to convince you.
Let me choose for myself, thanks. You don't really think we're going to be like "Holy ****! She has a point! I'm going to go eat a hamburger right now!" do you?
The natural place for humans is near the equator where it is nice and warm. Our digestive system is nearly identical to that of chimps, and they live off of mostly fruit. So thinking back to before we started growing and processing our own food, before we had huge populations, that is, just foraging, in the tropics, fruit would be the main staple of our diet. Why would you want to eat anything else when there is an abundance of fruit on the trees? We could just relax and go around eating fruit. Eat some nuts too... perhaps snack on some leaves or whatever... no need to cook, no need to run around hunting...
Veganism is a product of our past. We are all true herbivores, but due to rites, rituals, starvation, migration, wars (and let's not forget about the stupid 80%), we are not living with nature, but against it. We are not following a natural way of life, but going totally against nature.
> Why change the diets we have been
> accustomed to for thousands of years now?
Contrary to popular belief, we have not been eating like this for thousands of years at all. Nowhere near.
Not only this, but forcing a lion to eat only vegetables for a thousand years will not transform it into a herbivore -- it will still be a carnivore. Evolution does not work like that. Just as forcing yourself to eat meat will not change you into a carnivore or even an omnivore, no matter how long you do it and for how many generations or how many thousands of years.
Vegans never say that. Just because something is plant-based doesn't mean it's a vegetable, fruit, or grain in itself.
You're so irrational. I could just as easily say that if we were supposed to eat meat, all of us would have been born on farms to Edna and Bobby-Jo. And since when does history provide a moral justification? Why stop enslaving people and raping women now? We've done it for thousands of years.
Don't try to criticize vegans just because you're irrational and wouldn't know your own logical fallacy if it bit you on the rear. So silly.