I'm a vegerterian and i ate chicken last nite is that consider a no no in the veterterian catorgory?!
Answers: no most people will sneak a chicken nugget or so when they first become vegetarians its normal are you new at becoming a vegetarian? if you are its normal i ate some chicken when i first became one now after my expireiences with chicken i know im not eating them again i wish you good luck
yes veggie do not eat meat but if u ate it just last nite and wont eat it again its ok
You're not a vegetarian!
No its perfectly fine. OF COURSE ITS A NO NO!!!! U R A VEGETARIAN!!! vegetarians eat vegetables not meat! but if u dont do it again its ok!
try tofu with a good tofu sauce so it tastes good. or eggs. its all protien.
Um, yeah, poultry is meat sweetheart. That's like my saying "roses aren't plants, they're flowers." Look, if you want to eat dead animals, then eat them, but don't you dare call yourself vegetarian when you're NOT. Animal flesh is animal flesh.
You don't eat meat if you're a vegetarian. Simple as that. Think about it.
Say three Hail Tofu's to repent for your sin.
You'll be fine - the stomach ache was a reminder that your body doesn't want meat!
in my opinion i think it is ok to try things, and yes it is a no no b/c we dont eat meat but if it is a one time thing and you dont eat meat again it is ok i guess. i dont think it is fair to do all the work you do to be a vegetarian and then you eat one piece of meat and then you cant be considered a vegetarian.
some of my friends tricked me into eating a salad and after i ate it they said , " Yes you arent a vegetarian any more!" i got so mad that they did that to me.
Chicken is definitely a no-no for vegetarians. Vegetarians do not eat the flesh of any animals, and chicken is most definitely an animal.
The question is, was that a lapse or do you still intend to eat chicken and call yourself vegetarian?
there are many different types of vegetarianism. I, myself am a vegetarian, but i just dont eat meat and pork. There are some people who eat everythign but red meat. So, i think its allowed. If your going to give in like that, maybe your setting yourself up to fail, eat some alterative emat to satisfy your cravings.
try this website, they have lots of mock chicken recipe.
Or, you can find mock chicken burgers anbd such in your grocery store.
If it was just a one time thing then it's ok, don't beat yourself up. And just because your stomach hurt doesn't mean your a vegetarian, hon. Good luck in the future!
It's your choice what to eat, there are no rules to follow. If want to be a true vegetarian, however, then you should stop eating meat.
It depends what kind of vegetarian you are. Some vegetarians think that eating chicken is okay. If you look it up, a lot of websites say that it is okay.
I don't know what a "vegerterian" or a "veterterian" is, but vegetarians do not eat dead birds.
what the heck is a vetertareian?
What? Veterinarian? I think most veterinarians are omnivores. Wait, what?
If you eat chicken, you are not vegetarian.
Same goes for fish or shrimp.
Bad. Really really bad. You're going to vegetarian hell.