How many ex vegetarians are there on YA? And why did you quit?!
Answers: I was one for three years. Now I'm against vegetarianism on health grounds. How about you?
I was also for three years. Then one day I was at a fast food joint and I suddenly had this urge for a guessed it..... a bacon cheeseburger. I ordered it, ate two tasted like heaven, but then I got sick. It took a while for my body to get used to yummy cows and piggies again. I then went onto steaks and chickens and never looked back.
I would never be a vegetarian again. The only major benefit I think I had being one was I did lose some weight, I also didnt have any flatulance which was odd concidering how many beans I was eating LOL. But I always felt weak and tired.
Give me some yummy cows, pigs, chicken and fishies. I love meat to much to ever go thru that again!
I was a veggie as a teenager. I quit because it was a phase and I grew out of it, basically.
9 years....And it was the smell of a bacon sandwich that made me go back.....!!!
....Bacon sandwiches.............
I tried being veggie for a year, but started feeling weak and really missed chicken... so I started eating meat again.
I was for 4 years from 13 - 17, I became friends with someone and all they ate at their house was meat, with little veg because they didn't like it. So when I stayed there I didn't have any food to eat, so I started on meat again!
I was vegetarian for a couple of years as a teen and I quit because I think it was just a phase. I remember the first meat I had was a big fat all natural hot dog with all the trimmings. It was sooooo good, and I don't even really like hot dogs!
I was for a while when I was about 13 to about 15-16. I simply don't like the taste of meat, I only eat fish & some bacon now I don't like beef, lamb & chicken!! xxxxx
Me thinks you didn't know how to plan your diet. Please don't blame vegetarianism for your poor diet.
You describe yourself as a "fat housewife". Maybe there is more to your health problems other than abstaining from meat ?
I notice most people who answered that they gave up seem to be in thier mid-teens. they probably didn't know what to eat and thought a meat-substitute, pizza or lettuce diet was proper vegetarian food.
There are no health issues with a vegetarian diet.
I've known two people that tried vegetarian diets and switched back after a month. I think it was just because they really didn't know what to eat. They basically lived on waffles and bean burritos for a month. Neither one of them can eat bacon anymore (they both tried vegetarianism after seeing "Earthlings").
I've been a vegetarian for about five months now, and I became one mostly for health reasons (family history of heart disease, and my cholesterol was 100 points above normal). My health has actually improved drastically since becoming a vegetarian.
...and I've never really liked bacon.
i was a veggie for about 6 years and i actually miss it!
it started off as a diet, but i really enjoyed looking at different types of fruit and veg and other stuff!
i quit just cause i felt like it.
i possibly might go back to it before my wedding to shift a few pounds!
I lived on a vegan/vegetarian commune and when I moved back home, the same foods were not as accessible and I just didn't feel like I had the same energy as when I was on a meat and veggie diet. My family still appreciates meatless dinners from time to time but there is nothing like a chicken roasted with carrots and potatoes or pot roast slow cooked with homeade dumplings.
Hello there. Sorry to hear about you medical conditions. I have neighbor that also suffers from MS. It is truly a terrible disease and I hope they find a cure soon.
I am not a veggie, but it seems as if most of the responses were from girls who started the diet when they were teenagers. I am sure there are several teenagers who become veggie/vegan, or whatever, because of friends, cool kids, BF/GF and then as the years go by and they move apart from these people then the diet goes with it. Actually, I would call this a fad not a diet. I a diet or lifestyle are when people like Michael H or JR do it. They are true veggie and I am sure will be for life. I guess what I am saying is age can make a big difference in whether or not a person can and will stick with a major diet change such as this.
My parents went vegan when I was about 9 yrs old. I moved out when I was 17 and went back to eating meat. So I was vegan for 8 years. Cheese is what I missed the most. There isn't any substitute for cheese that even comes close to the real thing. My parents aren't vegan anymore, they eat chicken, fish and dairy products. They still don't eat red meat. They became vegan due to religious and health beliefs. I agree that you can eat vegan and be healthy, as long as you eat the right things. I still love vegetables and often cook meat free meals. I'm not against vegetarianism, to each their own, it is much more healthy than eating meat considering that it's a cholesterol free diet. My girlfriend wants to give up meat, but I'm not willing to make the change right now.
You have been struck with a case of being immoral by turning your back on vegetarianism. You may need my help. Let me introduce myself I am Ashley and I am the most moral vegan there is on here and maybe all over. I only eat raw food and I am a juicetarian. I am also the spokesperson for this forum. I can help, I ahve helped so many on this forum to find their inner vegan. I am also highly respected here, much more then that silly Jenasaurus girl who rants and raves about all fo these silly articles but never goes to protests like I do.
Being vegetarian or vegan is a lifestyle committment. It is not for everyone, for various reasons, and that is ok. It seems to me that the people who have answered here, and anyone who has been veggie and gone back to meat (even after years of a veggie diet) were not totally committed to it. If changing your dietary habits to include meat improves your health, then it's obviously the best decision for you. For many of us though, it's the exclusion of meat and animal products that improves our health when done properly.
Cos meat roooooooooooooooooooooocks!!!!
Not that I was ever a veggie.
Vegetarianism is a form of food is to be discouraged...they should really teach this at school