How long does it take to dring a keg of beer?!

Question: I'm not an experienced party thrower but I'm getting married and I've reserved the reception hall for 4 hours.

I have about...150 people coming and bout 30 of them are HEAVY drinkers! Of course I'll have a variety of alcohol for the guest but I wondered...

Will we be able to float the Keg in 4 hours? Will I need another Keg? (Proably not, huh?)

How many people and how long dose it take to drink a keg of beer?

Answers: I'm not an experienced party thrower but I'm getting married and I've reserved the reception hall for 4 hours.

I have about...150 people coming and bout 30 of them are HEAVY drinkers! Of course I'll have a variety of alcohol for the guest but I wondered...

Will we be able to float the Keg in 4 hours? Will I need another Keg? (Proably not, huh?)

How many people and how long dose it take to drink a keg of beer?

Alright here is the real info on a keg of beer at a party.
There are approx. 168 12 oz beers in a keg.

You have 150 people coming 30 are heavy drinkers. I assume that of the remaining 120 people in atttendance at least 90 or 3/4 will be drinkers to some degree. If that is the case I would look at it this way. If the 30 heavy drinkers each drink 3 beers per hour, and the rest of the drinkers have 1.5 per hour you will need:

30people X 3beers p hourX4 hours= 360 beers
90light drinkersX 1.5beers p hour X 4hours= 540 beers
900 beers/ 168= 5.35 kegs of beer.

you mentioned other drinks available so I would cut out 2.35 kegs, leaving you with 3 kegs of beer for a 4 hour party.

you should be in the ball park with that.

The average person has about 1.5 drinks an hour at an event like a wedding.

If all the rest of the guests drink instead of just 90 I would go back to 4 kegs. The key is that there are 168 12oz beers in a keg

no but i will try to drink a keg of beer by myself then divide the time it took by 30 and then you will know

I was at a party once that had about 30 people there, amd the first keg was gone by around midnight (About 5 hours after it was cracked.) It was my cousin's birthday, and he was still drinking it by himself the next morning. I'm guessing your first keg will be gone in 4 hours and you'll need a new one.

12 hours , depending on how big of a glass you give me

Hope you are not planning on releasing 30 really drunk drivers onto the road. As the host, you are legally responsible for the actions of anyone you serve at your reception. Don't be one of the many newlyweds to learn this lesson the hard way!

Half keg = 15 gallons - 160 12 ounce servings.
Quarter keg = 7.75 gallons - 80 12 ounce servings

Half of the guests (75),will drink 1or 2 beers, (150 servings), that kills a half keg, and the quarter keg should keep the guzzlers happy for 4 hours.

What size is your keg and what size cups are you going to use? Math it up on the chart below.

I would suspect you'll have 12 or 16oz cups and a 58 liter keg so you'll get about 150 beers. Given those numbers I would expect it to float within an hour. Call whoever you're getting the keg from (liquor store or banquet hall) and ask how many cups you'll get from your keg - it is a faily common question. Then guesstimate how many beers everyone will have and decide if you need another keg.

What is the capacity of packaging – specifically kegs (i.e. How many glasses in a keg?)

58.6 Liter Keg: 2060 Imperial oz.
103 – 20 oz pints
114 – 18 oz. glasses
147 – 14 oz. glasses
171 – 12 oz glasses
14.3 dozen beer = 1 keg

50 Liter Keg: 1760 imperial oz.
88 - 20 oz. pints

30 Liter Keg: 1056 oz.
52 - 20 oz. pints
58 – 18 oz. glasses
75 – 14 oz. glasses
88 – 12 oz. glasses

we had 10 hard partyers one night drink a keg in under 2 hours the second lasted a little longer

Listen to Ben. The 160 average goes down drastically if you have inexperienced (or drunk) people running the tap as they tend to foam up the beer and you lose a bit.

My suggestion would be 3 kegs.

At weddings people have a tendacy to drink things they normally wouldn't, if someone usually drinks beer they might opt for a rum and coke.

It's your event and you're offering what you want to offer. You're paying for it so if it runs out it runs out. If it does run out just tell your guests "I can't believe we finished 6 kegs" they will be proud of their accomplishment and nobody can say you were unprepared.

you should get about 3 to 4 kegs of beer

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